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Meet InfoEmpire

InfoEmpire, is proud to be one of the most reputable web design, programming and e-marketing experts in the field. We design business websites that are not only visually appealing but also integrate dynamic technologies that enhance customer usability and provide tangible results. At InfoEmpire, we have been experts in the Internet business for over 20 years. Our expertise is provided by an independent, multi-disciplinary team that delivers an agency-level service. We provide complete solutions that are competitive and tailored to our clients' needs: web design, programming, development, web maintenance, hosting, search engine placement, promotion, social media optimization, and more.

Whether you want to create or redesign your website, expand your online presence, attract new clients or improve existing relationships, we have what it takes for you to succeed. We offer an accurate quote to estimate your web design costs, programming and development, search engine placement and social media optimization.

Call us today at 877-482-4678 to have the InfoEmpire team create your vision into a reality.

referral and rewards app

Referral And Rewards Program
Your Helping Hand in Word-of-Mouth Referral

InfoEmpire, serving and supporting businesses across Canada and the U.S., provides online services, software products and technical facilities such as internet data, web support, and networking. InfoEmpire also specializes in the following services:

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Web Design & SEO: 10 Key Factors to Optimize for Top Rankings

Search engine optimization (SEO) is when you optimize your website to rank highly on search engines. Your aim should be to rank on the first page. Organic Google rankings are determined by an algorithm that factors in SEO...

Top Instagram Updates in August 2022

In Instagram, there have been some pretty big changes in the app over the last few months! In this post, we'll go over all the new features and changes that have happened on Instagram in the month of August. This will include updates...

Ways to Build a Strong Online Presence

If you’re looking to build a successful business, you must have a strong online presence. Some ventures want to focus on straight conversions, while others offer information and education opportunities. This means having a website...

What is lead generation marketing?

Lead generation is a marketing strategy to get people interested in your business and gradually move them through a sales funnel to become paying customers.Some people still perceive lead generation as big email blasts and pushy...

10 Tips to set up successful online advertisements

Companies spend thousands, if not millions of dollars each year, on online advertisements to promote their services. Those Ads can be a powerful tool in your company's marketing strategy and work wonders for businesses. Here are ten...

Tips for Keeping Your Brand Consistent

Building and growing brand awareness require that your marketing strategy sends a clear and consistent message to your target audience. The desired goal is to enable consumers to be able to identify your company by its logo, web...

Does my business need to be computer-based in order to have a website?
Owning a website does not demand your company to be a computer-based business. Think of a website as your online store/shop/facility. Taking your organization online is a way to generate new business and reach potential clients irrespective of any geographical limitations.  According to the Entrepreneur magazine, 20% of all your qualified leads will come from your effective on-line presence.  Your website is the fastest and most effective way for consumers who are looking for your product or service to find you, and with additional effective search engine optimization (SEO), find you first.
What hosting facility do you use?
At InfoEmpire, we have our own hosting facilities. InfoEmpire provides our own hosting servers located in both Canada and the US.
How long should I wait to see the results of SEO?
If your site has already been on the web for some time and is listed in all of the major directories you will probably begin to see improvements in your search engine rankings within the first 4-6 weeks. However, if your site has not been listed on the major search engines and directories then it will more than likely take around 5-6 months to see improvements in your search engine ranking.
Can my website help my employees do their job?
Placing select business processes, especially those executed on a daily basis into an online format is a highly successful way to increase the efficiency and desired outcome of certain employee tasks. i.e new customer information capturing and client referrals.
I do not have any images for my website, can you help me?
Visual content and images can be purchased from various online stock photography markets. Our design team is here to assist in the process or can do this for you. These images are relatively inexpensive and the cost will be integrated into your total project quote. Additionally, you are also welcome to search stock photography websites and choose your own.
How long does it take for a design to be completed?
We take pride in the fact that up until now, none of our projects have taken us longer than four weeks to complete, regardless of their complexity. Provided you have the content, logo and images available when you sign up, and respond to our revisions in a timely manner it should take no longer than four weeks from consult to launch to see your site online.

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